Words from Wellington, New Zealand for BIDP II !

Wellington, New Zealand 

Greetings from the shaky city of Wellington, New Zealand.

It is always a privilege to write for the BIDP blog. If there is one word I could use to describe this group of BIDP II students it would be “hospitable”. From the first day until the last, I felt welcomed, included and very much a part of the BIDP II community. So maybe to start of this blog, I should really thank them for making me feel welcome and for taking me out to lunch. I especially enjoyed the Chicken Rice near Sunshine Square.

Even as each person is unique, the combination of these unique individuals causes the entire group have its own character and personality. One thing that really stands out to me is how inquisitive this group is. Their eagerness to learn and to experiment sometimes got them into trouble, but perhaps a little mischief does make life more interesting. Perhaps even this could be an indication of a greater level of intelligence needing to be fed and guided. I have to say, intelligence was definitely not lacking amongst the BIDP II group.

It has been 4 months since I was with the BIDP II class over in Penang, and much has happened since then. I hear that they have since completed Phase I successfully, so a big congratulation goes out to each and every one of them. From the limited time we spent together, I know that they will do well in wherever the careers take them. I believe that they have what it takes to become successful, to tackle the challenges that their generation faces in building a better nation, and to build bridges/networks amongst individuals and communities at home and abroad.

If I can indulge in one piece of advice, it would be this: Do not take lightly the relationships you have formed with your fellow BIDP II classmates. Success is a team effort, built of lifting each other up. Think of a human pyramid. The person at the apex can only be there because of those who are underneath, sharing the load and carrying each other. The achievements of your tomorrow and built on the networks of your today. 

Times with the BIDP II group 

                                                                                      Written by: Chor Ee Tan