Year End Greetings
Hello everyone! It's the time of year for joy and cheer!
Time has flown by once again and we are glad to say that we've seen a great year behind us. A big shout out of gratitude to all our sponsors, partners, collaborators, family and friends. Thank you for standing by us and braving the thick and thin together. Your help and support is very much appreciated and acknowledged! :D
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As you start making plans for the coming holidays and festive season of Christmas, let us not forget to give back to the community as well! If you would like to lend a helping hand to children, the Agathians Shelter (, The Salvation Army Children's Home ( and House of Hope ( would be more than happy to receive you as a guest! May the joy of Christmas be spread to them as well.
Once again, our team at HAT would like to wish each and every one of you a Blessed Christmastime, Happy Holidays and Happy new Year to come! May our partnerships and bonds of friendships last on for years to come and only get stronger as we build more bridges..
May the new year of 2015 hold more exciting ventures for us all!
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Looking forward to New Year 2015! |
By: HAT team