A New Beginning!

15th April 2013

It’s time! Another group has come, with the lost looks and weary feelings of being in a new environment. This day starts a new batch of BIDP students. Oh how the memories of the first batch returns.. J

But their uneasiness did not last long as we had an ice-breaking session soon after breakfast was served! The participants were very cooperative then, to mingle around and make the effort to get to know others in the little activity planned out by the coordinators.

Ice-breaking session underway
After the fun time of the games and laughs, we all adjourned to the allocated training room for a time of familiarization and briefing from the organizing committee. Mr Tay Eng Su, Quality Director of Agilent, was also present to say a few words of welcome and encouragement to the new batch of students. Introductions of people in charge in were given and then it was time for lunch! 

Briefings from the respective people in charge 
Lunch was prepared in the premise’s cafeteria and was enjoyed by everyone. After that, there were a few more pep talks and sharing by Mr Azhar, CEO of HAT, Mr Steven Ng representing the operations team, and Ms Khairul Azreena, Business Development Manager of Agilent.  A tour of the facility buildings and training lab followed, to end the day of the BIDP II Orientation.

Lunch time and briefing continues in the class

It was great knowing the new trainees, and awaiting the arrival of a few more from various companies in the next few days. They seemed more at ease and ready for the training to come after the day was over. Hope they’re as excited as we are! 

Written by: Melanie Ann

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