Lab sessions in Progress

So in March, we had our Phase II students from BIDP II batch 2 in ABI (MARDI, Serdang) and Phase III students from BIDP II batch 1 in Ipharm (Penang) keeping us busy in the lab with practical sessions as the main course, and the sides were of course assignments and lab reports.

All the way from Wellington, New Zealand came our trainer for these two sessions: Mr Chor Ee Tan; whom we welcome fondly as one of the most loved trainer of the BIDP modules. Him, and the chocolates he brings along of course!

Chor Ee in class teaching and watching presentations in progress

Lab practical sessions are always fun to tutor, especially if your trainees are an interesting bunch of people! Many antics and sharing were exchanged during the times in the lab, but all the while having a tutor watching them closely as to not go beyond their allocated time slots. 

This qPCR practical sessions saw two groups of students; in Penang and Serdang, having their Advance DNA Detection Technology knowledge tested as they planed carried out experiments with minimal supervision.
Lab practical sessions in ABI for Advanced qPCR

Lab sessions in IPharm Bio-Analysis Lab

What more effective way for students to get the learning experience that they all need and want than hands- on practical sessions where they can experience the labs in a special way, whether or not they will use all the instruments they learn of or not. Questions can always be directed to the trainer or tutors during the practical sessions which enhance the learning of students and trainers/tutors alike.

In these qPCR lab practical sessions, we thank our ever enthusiastic trainer, Chor Ee for a brief, yet great time together with us, here in Malaysia.

May there be many more happy and satisfied trainees as they experience the labs we have the practical sessions at!

                                                                                                                           Written by: Melanie Ann

Personal Data Protection Act 2010

Personal Data Protection Act 2010

Assalamualaikum and good day from HAT,

As you may be aware, above act took effect since November 2013.  All companies dealing in personal data including institutions that offer training (and handle students' personal data) are required to comply with the act and register with Ministry of Communication and Multimedia, Personal Data Protection Department.

The full act can be found below:

Please make yourself familiar with it. Moving forward it will becoming more risky to use other people info nowadays. You could be fine or jail should you being convicted with 'misuse' of personal data when you use it as the Data Users ...even to your own staff.

Example of "Personal Data" are: 

  • Name and address 
  • identification number 
  • passport number 
  • health information 
  • e-mail 
  • picture 
  • recording images in closed circuit television (CCTV) 
  • information in personal files 
  • Bank account details 
  • Credit card details

Data Users - means any person who processes the data and any person who has control over or authorizes the processing of any personal data in respect of commercial transactions. 
Data Subject - means an individual who is the subject of personal data.

More info can be found from KKMM website: