Teambuilding Fun!

The day was beautiful: The sun was out to play, the soft breeze was blowing, the skies were as blue as they could be with puffs of white clouds just enough to give us the occasional shade.. 
What more could we ask for? It was perfect for our day out for team building!

Team building take one: Air Itam dam team building facility, Penang
First, there was breakfast to give everyone the strength they need. And maybe to wake some people up.. followed by some simple workout steps through aerobics, led by the person in charge from the facility.

Then the real fun began.. from rope climbing and tyre swings which test arm strength, to tight rope challenges and high wall obstacle where ultimate team efforts are needed, the unity and connection the group had with each other was truly shown. Whenever there was a member who had difficulty or seem to be struggling with a task, someone was always around to help him/her get up and get through it, even if it ends up in ridiculous giggles and eruptious laughter :) 

After it all, lunch was provided and the tired young people made their way home.. 

Team building activities: aerobics, rope climb, tyre swings, wall obstacle, and tight rope challenge! 

The next team building session leading had to be left to a friend of mine who was kind enough to help out after I could not make there. The day went on as planned, with two field games being taught and played to its maximum fun on the field of Youth Park, Penang. The games were Captain's Ball and Ultimate Frisbee.

Simple rules and regulations were explained before the games started with Ultimate Frisbee. It was great fun with the day so clear and friends who were sporting to be with.

Ultimate Frisbee!
Next! It was Captain's Ball time.. well, after some rest time and drinks that is. Also, some more rules and regulations once again, since they are two different games.

After that it was rest and then to lunch together! 
A very big Thank You goes to the Game Master of this day, Mr Donavan Ong for an awesome game time! 
And of course, to all the participants who made it that day, Thank You for coming along to make it a success. Just for being good sports, I applaud you! 

Till we meet again for something like this again, take care and all the best! 

                                                                                                                                    Written by: Mel A.

Meet Ups for Makan-times!

Even though we don't see each other as frequently as we'd like, all the times that we've met up for a lunch / dinner, were memories to add to our BIDP family album!

Since pictures are worth a thousand words, I will let the pictures speak for themselves below:

Food outings with our trainers!

Birthday celebrations in and out of class!

And there were everyday lunches, Graduation lunches, BBQs and Hari Raya makan times too!

And dinner times together also, when we get to organize it :) 

May we continue to share fellowship this sweet with each other, even though we might be from different batches of BIDP.. I'm glad we can all be friends. 

                                                                                                                         Written by: Mel A